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Ask for help > Stable or animal shelter
Stable or animal shelter
Stable or animal shelter
Hi, everyone! I have a doubt regarding Chrismas vocabulary. Should we say animal shelter or stable ? Which is more correct? And about the animals in the Nativity Scene...Is it ox or bull the more appropriate designation?Thanks a lot!! |
12 Dec 2012
I think it�s stable (an animal shelter is the place where forsaken animals are kept while they haven �t got a new owner) and ox (bull is the one with horns , used for bullfighting here in Spain). I hope it�s useful. Cheers Flori |
12 Dec 2012
Good answers again, florimago. I do want to mention that we would �t say "forsaken animals". We call them "abandoned animals". Bruce |
12 Dec 2012
As far as the difference between bull and ox: they are both male cattle, but the bull is still intact, but the ox has been neutered. We usually talk about a stable at Christmas, but you could also use barn. The place where the Baby Jesus was laid is usually called a manger at Christmas, but at other times of the year, it �s a feeding trough. And Mary rode on a donkey, not an ass. (Since we use ass to refer to an indelicate part of the body not too far from the ox�s missing parts, you�ll get snickers if you say ass.) |
12 Dec 2012
Thanks again, Bruce . And what�s the difference between forsaken and abandoned? Now I have a reasonable doubt Flori |
13 Dec 2012
"Forsaken" and "abandoned" both mean "left behind", but "forsaken" is more of an attitude, and "abandoned" is more of an action. Of course, you don �t do the action without the attitude, but that is how the words differ. Your ex-lover is forsaken, but your cat is abandoned. Bruce |
13 Dec 2012
I asked about "animal shelter" because I saw the expression in a flashcard (part of an educational magazine)containing an image of a stable regarding the Nativity Scene.I also found it a bit strange so that �s why I wanted to confirm this info with you!Take care! |
13 Dec 2012
Thanks , Bruce, It�s clear for me now . Flori |
13 Dec 2012
what does "get snickers" mean Moody Moody? |
13 Dec 2012
I �d dare say that if we get snickers , the only thing we �ll get is lots of laughter but I �m not sure.. it that correct, Moody Moody? |
13 Dec 2012
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