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Writing a coursebook.
Writing a coursebook.
I want to write a coursebook for use in classroom. Has anybody done anything similar? I want to know what material to use in terms of pictures and texts. Can I use freely newspaper or magazine articles freely? I also want to find pictures that I can use. Can I find such things for free or do I have to pay? This is something I am doing on my own, so I want it to be as economical as possible..
14 Dec 2012
I am also considering it! I have thought about contacting a publisher and asking them if they would be interested. If they are then they will surely know the rules.
I am sure that you would have to have permission to use photos, artwork or written work that is not your own and is therefore copyright protected.
Our worksheets here are our property and as far as I know cannot be reproduced without our permission. We allow others to use our work for teaching.
What age group/level are you thinking?
14 Dec 2012
I helped create an ESL course book for adults for a Korean company and I can tell you that everything must be original or paid for - i.e. you must pay for the right to use clipart or pictures; texts, excerpts or articles need the authors � permission - which might be free or have a fee attached... depends on the person.
A coursebook is A LOT of work. However, I wish you all the luck if you undertake such an endeavor. It �s hard work but often worth the time and effort put into it.
14 Dec 2012