I like the idea very much, there were lots of useful
things with flashcards. I play games with everyone and on every topic, so
grammar would be very wide for me.
You mentioned imperatives, I play a board
game where we write a name of each student in a field (when finished, start
again in the same order) and then we play a typical dice and token game. When a
person lands on a field the one whose name is written has to tell him/her what
to do. We get lots of hilarious orders (dance on one foot, dance ballet, imitate
a chicken, etc.)
To practice second conditional, we play in which circumstances would
you and then they have to invent actions, p.e. shave your head, donate all
your money, go dressed as a clown to a shop etc. (the answer always has to be
I also play a lot the first game you mentioned (who/what am I); one student takes a flashcard or a piece of paper and the rest of them have to ask questions. You can adapt this to the tense you are teaching, put dead famous people if its past, or touristic destinations and dates if it �s future, etc.
To practice questions, you can do an interview of a famous person, they really like that. So one is a reporter and the other one chooses a star (I always have Madonna, Messi, etc.) and they ask questions about (here you adapt it to a tense you teach) their last filme, game, concert, their future plans, etc.
You can use dominoes to practice passive or infinitive/gerund and a memory game for irregular verbs in past.
For future tenses you can use a horoscope or a fortune teller, with tarot card.
For giving an advise I play psychologist game. You interpret dreams (just take any strange pitures you have to a class and that�s your dream) or we have funny problems (I�m addicted to ice cream, I�m afraid of fruits, I can speak to plants, etc.)
My advanced students also like very much a game where a I give them an idiom with a definition and then they have to come up with 2 more definitions to mislead the rest of the group. If the others choose one of their definitions, instead of the real one, they get a point.
And basically for everything ypu can play find someone who.
That �s off the top of my head, if I remember anything else, I �ll add it.