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help w/PowerPoint
help w/PowerPoint
Hello and Happy new Year to all!!!! I have been making PPT presentations where the student clicks on a button and he/she will hear a song/ rhyme etc. and they work well. I �ve tried to apply the same principle to story books. I make a button attach the wav of a story. Some stories work others don�t. They are all in the same format. I don �t quite know why some work and others don �t. I�ve put as many as three on one slide with no problem so it�s not the size of the wav. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Ed |
2 Jan 2013
For me this sometimes happens on different computers - some support the audio file, some don �t. But never with the same ppt on the same computer. Wish I could help, Ed. |
2 Jan 2013
Peter Hardy
Hi, and a happy New Year.This answer is from memory, as I haven�t used soundfiles for a while. The sound files need to be .wav files, indeed and you cannot go over a certain size. So the ones that are of the right size may play and the others wont. Also, the sound files need to be safed in the same folder as the PPT, to keep a �connection �. A tricky bit when you transfer files. The best thing is to �embed � the them in the PPT, which only works with the .wav files, but again, of a certain size only. Hope this answer is of any help. For better answers check out A very good site for any type of computer/software problems. Cheers, Peter.
2 Jan 2013
as peter said they have to be embedded but i made a tutorial on how to trick ppt into embed other formats you can check it out. in terms of the size as peter mention it only accept certain size unless you tell the ppt to accept bigger files since by defult is like 400kb to change it doble click in the sound icon and in max sound file write the kb of your file or a bigger amount. hope this help |
2 Jan 2013
Thank you Peter and Liz. I �ll check those points out this weekend. BTW Liz, that loud sound you might �ve heard was the sound of my jaw dropping. That �s some avatar. :-) Ed |
2 Jan 2013
Hi, I used to encounter the same problem before. Yes, as other people said that you should try to embed the video and I didnt put the sound right there, I used the hyperlink to connect them with a slide (I think it �s better) and I can turn on a movie or a song related to the lesson while presenting the lesson (but becareful if you put the ppt or pptx file on the usb and copy it to another computer, the hyperlink wont work at all because u already linked it to the folder in your own computer)
I also had problems with file type so use some softwares to convert the format may help.
3 Jan 2013