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A funny poem
A funny poem
Hi everybody!
My student is going to take part in a contest and she must learn one British poem. Could you recommend me some poems suitable for 12 - year - old girl. I would be grateful for any hints, poems or authors.
2 Jan 2013
How to Torture Your Teacher
by Bruce Lansky
Only raise your
hand when
you want to sharpen your pencil
or go to the bathroom.
Repeat every ten minutes.
Never raise your hand
when you want to answer a question:
instead, yell, "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!"
and then, when the teacher calls on you,
say, "I forgot what I was going to say."
Lean your chair back,
take off your shoes, and
put your feet on your desk.
Act surprised when the teacher
puts all four legs of your chair back on the floor.
Drop the eraser end of your pencil
on your desk.
See how high it will bounce.
Drop your books on the floor.
See how loud a noise you can make.
Get all your friends to join in.
Hold your nose,
make a face, and say, "P.U.!"
Fan the air away from your face,
and point to the kid in front of you.
On the last day of school,
lead your classmates in chanting:
"No more pencils!
No more books!
No more teachers �
dirty looks!"
Then, on your way out the door, tell the teacher,
"Bet you �re looking forward
to summer vacation this year.
But I �ll sure miss you.
You �re the best teacher I �ve ever had."
Bruce Lansky Reprinted from No More Homework! No More Tests!, published by Meadowbrook
The Burp
by Anonymous
Pardon me for
being rude.
It was not me, it was my food.
It got so lonely down below,
it just popped up to say hello.
I Love You Not
by Bruce Lansky
I love you I love
I love you so well,
if I had a skunk
I would give you a smell.
If I were a dog
I would give you a bite.
If I were a witch
I would give you a fright.
If I were a bathtub
I �d give you a splash.
If I were a fungus
I �d give you a rash.
I love you so much
that I won �t tell a lie,
I promise we �ll marry
the day that I die.
� Bruce Lansky
Reprinted from Poetry Party, published by Meadowbrook Press
2 Jan 2013
I can suggest you the poem by Craig Raine, A Martian Sends a Postcard Home (look here: ). It sounds difficult and long but one of my 13 students won the school contest thanks to the poem as it is descriptive and she modulated her voice very well and made funny faces eg. while she recited about the toilet (punishment room)..... She also brought certain objects with her like a telephone to show to the public when describing it, as it comes to a clock she made a pause and made it closer to the microphone so that the audience could hear its ticking sound... so she was theatrical.... ; -).
A Martian Sends A Postcard HomeCaxtons are mechanical birds with many wings
and some are treasured for their markings -
they cause the eyes to melt
or the body to shriek without pain.
I have never seen one fly, but
sometimes they perch on the hand.
Mist is when the sky is tired of flight
and rests its soft machine on ground:
then the world is dim and bookish
like engravings under tissue paper.
Rain is when the earth is television.
It has the property of making colours darker.
Model T is a room with the lock inside -
a key is turned to free the world
for movement, so quick there is a film
to watch for anything missed.
But time is tied to the wrist
or kept in a box, ticking with impatience.
In homes, a haunted apparatus sleeps,
that snores when you pick it up.
If the ghost cries, they carry it
to their lips and soothe it to sleep
with sounds. And yet they wake it up
deliberately, by tickling with a finger.
Only the young are allowed to suffer
openly. Adults go to a punishment room
with water but nothing to eat.
They lock the door and suffer the noises
alone. No one is exempt
and everyone �s pain has a different smell.
At night when all the colours die,
they hide in pairs
and read about themselves -
in colour, with their eyelids shut.
3 Jan 2013
PS. I also suggest you another poem, much shorter and with rhymes, Remember by Cristina Rossetti, it isn �t funny though. My other student won thanks to it, she made the contest board cry...
REMEMBER me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann �d:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.
3 Jan 2013