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Concerning powerpoints > Size of powerpoints
Size of powerpoints
Size of powerpoints
Can anybody help me with my question? I�ve never uploaded a powerpoint here and I�ve been trying to do it today. It 2.335KB and after compression, it is 1285 KB. It�s made up of 15 slides, so, if my Mathematics are not wrong, I suppossed that including 7 and 8 slides in each one I would have reached the size of abou 650KB. Nevertheless, I got a file of 1128KB and another of 937KB. ![Confused](
I also tried including three slides and I got 821KB!!!! I have just tried compressing the files. What should I do in order to adjust to the maximun size allowed, that is 500 KB?
21 Jan 2009
Hi damielle!
I also have the same problem. I�ve got some nice powerpoint games that I would like to share but they�re as big as yours. Even after reducing the size and quality of the images, they�re still VERY BIG!!!
I would also like to have an answer on that...
21 Jan 2009
alien boy
Images in powerpoint work the same way as for Word. You may need to follow a similar process to reduce the image size properly. If the images you use are not photographic you should consider converting them to �.gif� format.
Regards, ab
22 Jan 2009