I am pleased to announce that I had a lot of fun while reading your entries on the word of the day. You �ve made my job difficult! However, there are two entries that really made me laugh a lot : Les Douglas and sarguero.
But only one can win and so here �s my final decision...
The winner is ...
�HETEROTRICHOSIS� is the stage name for a special Magic Illusion, performed in Germany. (Another famous stage name is �Wells Fargo�, but that�s American).
�Hetero� = �heterosexual�, shortened = male and female, (but now shortened to a very small size).
�Trich� = �trick� (but spoken with a very strong German accent).
�O sis� = �Oh! Sister!� (an American expression very similar to �Oh! Brother!� but completely different).
�Hetero� �Trich� �Oh! Sis�.
This particular Magic Illusion is performed only in Hamburg, Germany. A short, beautiful Female Assistant, with red hair and a distinctive striped costume steps into a trunk, which is then locked. There is a flash of smoke! Instantly, a tall, thin, ugly Male Assistant, covered in Tomato Sauce, jumps out of the locked trunk. Fantastic!
What has happened?
A beautiful, shapely girl has been transformed into a long, thin Hamburger.
No wonder you are themagicman ! Congratulations!
And the real meaning of the word is : having hair of varied or mixed colours.