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"Tell Me More" Program.
"Tell Me More" Program.
Dear Friends:
Is there anyone familiar with the "Tell Me More" English teaching software? If there is, kindly tell me about this program i.e. Its effectiveness. program overview and its functions. |
29 Jan 2013
We used it for years at the Chamber of Commerce. It �s good in as much as each student can work individually at his/her own speed. As there is voice recognition they can also "dialogue" with the software in everyday situations and, of course, correct their pronunciation. There are specific units dealing with pronunciation in depth. Janet |
29 Jan 2013
Dear Janna, Thanks a lot! could you please tell me more or suggest any link where I can get detailed description?
29 Jan 2013
You �ll have to google it! I know it was made by AURALOG. I believe it �s a French publisher, but I �m not sure. All this goes back a few years now! Janet |
29 Jan 2013
In my opinion the best thing (or the different thing) is the voice recognition in order to improve your pronunciation . Here a link explaining : Flori |
29 Jan 2013