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Word of the Day Winner!
Word of the Day Winner!
All right! This is more like it! There have now been the 10 responses that I was looking for, so I will choose a winner now. I liked all of the responses: Al Gore quotations, a French corset for a well-endowed woman, sexism in science fiction, WWII code word, a negative reaction from Tipper Gore to movies and TV, aliens who eat too much sugar and lose their teeth, unhappiness at the former lack of response for WoD, a code word for the LA Dodgers baseball team, and a Welsh shrub used by Druids.
Les, of course, recognized this word as a Welsh borrowing, although he played along and gave a false definition. The real definition is "a community or gathering of modern bards," and comes from the Welsh word for throne. I like role-playing games, such as Dungeons and Dragons, so I have attended a gorsedd in character.
I may have to read the Gor books Douglas mentioned some day; I have not seen those. If they are that sexist, though, I may get angry!
Politically, I want to pick a different answer, as Sophia picked mine earlier, but I really have to give this to Les/Idthemagicman. But I really enjoyed seeing the answers you came up with, and there were no stinkers in the lot. Great work everyone!
31 Jan 2013