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Ask for help > Native speakers ´ help is needed
Native speakers ´ help is needed
Native speakers ´ help is needed
Dear friends,
If someone asks you: "How are you?", can you say "so and so"? Or would you say "More or less"?
Thanks in advance.
dina |
11 Feb 2013
Hello, You could say so, so ... which indicates you ´re not really great. I would not say more or less. Hope this helps. Have a great day ... not a so, so day. |
11 Feb 2013
We usually use "so-and-so" in slang to talk about a person we don ´t like, at least in the USA. "More or less" is an adverb phrase, so it needs an adjective to modify; it can ´t stand alone. "So-so," as maceman already noted, means not so good or mediocre, so so-so it is! |
11 Feb 2013
Dear Omf,
"Not HAPPY" implies "SAD". "Not LONG" implies "SHORT". "Not BAD" implies GOOD.
I would say what lots of other nationalities say --- "Comme ci, comme ca"; "Cosi cosa", "Etsi k-etsi", "So so", etc.
In British English:
Les Douglas |
11 Feb 2013