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Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Hello, dear friends around the world. I am translating de multiple intelligences English Spanish. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence tanslation Spanish Inteligencia quinest�tica o corporal o inteligencia KIN�SICA O QUIN�SICA Which one is correct? PD A friend told me: RAY BIRDWHISTELL (iNTRODUCTION TO KINESICS) EN 1952 But I am studyieng Howard gardner �s multiple intelligences. so Kinesthetic is the synonym of kinesics. Are they the same? Please help me. thanks in advance. God bless you. Take care. Chari |
13 Feb 2013
Kinesthetic means learning through movement, and kinesics is the study of body language. So although the two words are related (they both refer to movement of the body) and both are important for learning language, they are not the same thing.
An example of kinesthetic learning: having a student say, "I am smiling" while the student is smiling.
An example of kinesics: knowing that a big smile that doesn �t show the teeth is possibly an indication of mild contempt.
Sorry, but I can �t help with the Spanish part. |
13 Feb 2013