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Talking about tests
Talking about tests
I �ve been thinking for a long time how to talk about tests. Do you say, �Next week I will be writing a test on / from Maths?"
"Next week I am writing a test on / from Maths?"
I will be grateful for any suggestions!
24 Feb 2013
The most natural way to say it, I think, is "Next week I �m taking a math test." (Maths is the British so "maths test" is okay.") Also acceptable is "Next week I �m taking a test in math(s)." There �s nothing wrong with using the future continuous; most Americans at least are too lazy to use the more complicated tense when present continuous will do just fine.
"Writing a test" is what teachers do when we prepare a test for the students. We take tests in a subject and on a particular topic. Example: "Next week I �m taking a test on fractions." And high school students must pass a test from the state in order to graduate from high school. I hope this helps! |
24 Feb 2013
Peter Hardy
The more correct form, following the intention, would be "I �m going to write a test for next week." Assuming you speak from the teacher �s point of view. I �ve never heard a student talk about "going to take a test". They �ll say "I have a math test next week". (In the present simple as it is scheduled.) No on/from, and as we Aussies are lazy buggers too, we �ll say "I �m gonna write a test". If you want to talk about it, simply say to your ss: "OK, guys, let �s talk about a test. What you reckon?" :-) |
24 Feb 2013
How about, �I �m setting a maths test. � |
24 Feb 2013
Peter Hardy, we say "I have a math test next week" here in the States as well. Lynne, I �ve never heard "setting a maths test" before; I �ll have to remember that one.
So, dobrawaa, you have opinions from 3 different English-speaking countries. Take your pick. |
24 Feb 2013