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Teaching material > could anybody help me to find where to download ???????
could anybody help me to find where to download ???????
could anybody help me to find where to download ???????
Hello everybody!!!
I used to work with playway to English 1,2 3,4 written by herbert Puchta and GUnter Grengoss, I have lost them, so I need help , where can I download them sts books and audio cd, better if they are free but i would like to have them , i need them because this year i have to work with little children and these books are excellent!!!!!! i like first edition most but if i could get the second edition it will be ok all the same, I tried but all the links don �t work anymore, so could anybody there help me to find a link where to download??? or share them if you have the books??? and materials, thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
27 Feb 2013