May I have a Private Conversation with you, Maryse Pey�?
I will write VERY SLOWLY because I know that you can�t read VERY QUICKLY, can you?
I shall answer EVERY ONE of your questions by making three absolutely vital points --- is that OK with you?
Firstly: I don�t know the French for: "Je suis en col�re contre toi", so I can�t be angry with you, can I?
Thirdly: did you not realise that Mark O�Polo was Irish, and not Italian, as everyone believes? Did you not know that his father invented the POLO MINT, the sweet with the less-fattening centre?
Fourthly: no; yes; no; yes; no; twice; as well as can be expected; very well --- are these Answers satisfactory?
Secondly: shouldn�t we sometimes seek to send our submissions in sentences showing a sound, structured, sensible style?
P.S. Do you not realise that playing the Hokey Cokey is OK, but that it is NOT Okey-Dokey playing Hockey while drinking Coke, because the Coke might stoke up smoke, and provoke a bloke to have a stroke, and some folk might choke, or even croak, and that�s no joke?