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Publishing a book...
Publishing a book...
Hello everybody!
I�m wondering if any of you has ever published a book?
In such a large comunity of teachers I do believe at least some of you have...
Well, the question is: I�ve been writing some stories for kids and I�ve always dreamed that one day I would like to publish them on a book of my own.
Every one knows that dreams are always way easier than reality.
Can any of you tell me what a new writer have to do in order to get her/his book published?
Thank in advance,
Hannie |
24 Jan 2009
alien boy
Hi Hannie (& any other aspiring writers)!
Have a look at this site �Authonomy�.
You may be able to publish your story online & get it published by HarperCollins if there�s enough response. My brother-in-law is a freelance writer & has a book that has been doing quite well in reviews. My sister has just had her 6th novel published (she has had novels published in Australia & the US). She got her break entering short story competitions - there are several good competitions from newspapers & different organisations around the world. It may be worthwhile googling for that sort of thing too.
If I get any good leads, I�ll let you know.
Good luck, ab
24 Jan 2009
Hi Hannie,
It is simple. Just two steps.
1. Register (get a copyright) your book (draft) so you can be sure nobody is going to make it his/her own.
2. Publishing. You have two possibilities:
a. Publishing Houses which are very expensive. Some of them adjust their prices for new writers but they are still dear.
b. The best option and the one everybody uses today is publishing through one of the companies offering their service on the net. But be careful. Try to do research before to get in touch with people who have already published with them to make sure they are serious and, if you want to make your book international, take on account the place where it is going to be printed in order to consider the final price .
I do hope you can make your dream true.
24 Jan 2009
Try this . It should be serious: that�s the free copyright I use for my works . In Italy it is used also by famous writers and actors .
Have a look:
Sabrina |
24 Jan 2009
Hi there, google print on demand publishing and you will get companies that specifically print your book with an ISBN number and everything you need. There are various options available like to have it through shops or solely online through online stores etc.
Big ones I can think of are xlibris, lulu and random house (or is it author house??)
There are many options from the USA as well as UK . I know I managed to find a few based in Sweden (where I live).
You will need to just search through all of them, read up, write them an email etc and see which one suits your needs the best :-)
good luck :-)
24 Jan 2009
Thank you so much for all your answers!!
If some good, great luck crosses my path you�ll all know about it !
ps. I love this site..(Where have I read this before?? ) |
24 Jan 2009