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Help with children
Help with children
Hi everyone,
My whole life I�ve worked with young adults and adults, now I
started at a new place and was assigned a group of 6 kids ages 7 to 9, my main
problem is that I have no idea of what to do with them. Some help please I�m a
little desperate.
Thanks in advance
7 Mar 2013
Here are some tips:
7 Mar 2013
I think your main concern is not what to do with them but how to do it with them. I mean you shouldn �t worry about what to teach. You should worry about how to teach.I had taught teenagers aged 15 to 19 then about 10 years ago I started teaching young sweet devils aged 12 to 15 and they were two different worlds. I suppose you �ll face 2 major problems : first keeping them quiet .Second, catching their attention for long. I partially solved the problem when i stopped thinking as a teacher and tried to become their friend and that was the toughest job. It is not easy to win a kid �s confidence when you aren �t used to their world. I suggest you stop worrying about the material you �ll present in class and do some reading about teaching young learners. The net is loaded with it. I hope I am not frustrating you but believe me I had met some hard times with my kids. Now,it �s Ok
7 Mar 2013
The main difference will be attention span. 3-5 minutes per year old of the kid. That �s what you will get at one go. Focus them for a short while, then give them a minute to drift and refocus them. Younger ones will be more energetic and will need more direction. My rule of themb is to set up the rules, and stick to them, so they know what to expect. You can be their friend, but you have to first establish that you are their teacher, and don �t throw any surpirses at them. Follow established teacher behavior and show that you care. Don �t be afraid to smile, but also don �t let them walk all over you. Once they know the bounderies, (which can take a few weeks to get in place) things will feel less chaotic and begin to run more smoothly. You have your material. Just use it. Finally, I found this book helpful. Best of luck. Have fun! Dar
7 Mar 2013
You are now teaching beginners to speak English. So go back to the beginning. Start with a vocabulary that relates to your student �s own life - that will keep them focused. There are lots of vocabulary worksheets here.
Most young students like to work with: My Family - make a family tree worksheet and have them learn father, mother, etc My hobby My pets My school My favorite sports Foods I like and don �t like Name things in the classroom My bedroom Toys I like Friends Rooms in the house Things in my house A day at the beach Seasons Days of the week Telling time My town Clothes things we do. (sleep, read, walk, play, jump, eat etc) Learning directions - (right, left, forward, backward) Read short stories - in the classroom and let them read for each other in pairs. Sing songs Play music and sing along.(lots of learning songs on YouTube)
Teach beginner grammar: verbs nouns adjectives
These topics will create a sound foundation for other things later on. Play learning games, board games, show short films from Youtube with English subtitles. Memory games, I �m thinking of a person game - pair work. Find a picture or take a picture of the kids in the classroom doing things and let them describe what they see - in pairs. They speak much more in pairs than in the classroom.
Look around here for elementary worksheets and start working - it �s fun and young kids are very motivated.
Good Luck Libertybelle
8 Mar 2013
Dear Chrisl,
Teach them with songs and games: you canu engage them and reinforce what you teach.
Simple present
Do you know the muffin man?
Have got
Queenie, Queenie, who �s got the ball?
Good luck
Helena |
8 Mar 2013