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Games, activities and teaching ideas > WORKSHEETS_HOW THEY LOOK, WHAT THEY ARE REALLY WORTH
I have to admit that I agree there are all too often mistakes on worksheets teachers shouldn �t make. It seems we don �t always do as we preach, namely proofread before submitting written material.
Or could it be that not all English teachers worldwide have a thorough understanding of the very subject they teach? Why can �t all teachers be perfect? :)
Then again, whenever we download these free worksheets, shouldn �t we be responsible and check them first? Prepare them, edit them, adapt them? Another way is to make all worksheets ourselves, which is what I usually do.
Anyway, although I see your point of view Gosia, I think we should be forgiving and prepared to correct the worksheets we download instead of pointing the finger at each other for the mistakes they contain. After all, there were about half a dozen mistakes in your post. BTW, nobody�s perfect ;)
10 Mar 2013
I totally agree with hardcase. I am really grateful for being a part of this website. Not only can I find millions of different materials but also I contribute and feel really good knowing that some other teacher in another country benefits from my work. As for the templates and pictures, I sometimes delete pictures and stuff to be more printer-friendly:) You can do that too dear Gosia. Have a nice weekend!
10 Mar 2013
Well, I tend to prefer plain worksheets and I �m interested in the content rather than the presentation, but I have noticed that the fancier ones get the most downloads, so that must be a minority view. I am really grateful that there is such a variety of choice, and thank god that everything is editable. I usually need to give things a tweak, not that there are mistakes, but just to suit my needs. When it comes to ppts, though, the fancier the better! Last year, I had to deliver some training to colleagues and I got this site up on screen. This was my proud boast: �OK guys, name a topic and we �ll find something good on here. � I (or eslp!) did not disappoint.
By the way, I am going on a Comenius trip in May to Slovakia and Hungary and I am going to do the same with a set of colleagues from six different countries!
I am spreading the word! I am an eslprintables evangelical! |
10 Mar 2013
Gosia, I agree entirely with you. Thanks for having the courage to bring the topic up again.
I think that too many pictures and too much colour distract from what the worksheets are about at a time when students find it extremely hard to concentrate on ESSENCE because there is so much distraction around them. Another point is that all this colour and all these pictures are a matter of taste, and taste can be local and cultural and certainly is very peronal.
I am also sometimes appalled at how basic and numerous mistakes in the worksheets are.
People tell you (and everyone who raises these points) that we should be grateful for what we have got. Yes, I �m sure we all are, but there should be room and ambition for improvement.
10 Mar 2013
Greek Professor
Well the word "mistake" says it all...mistake...and mistakes are meant to be corrected.However it is up to the teacher to re-check the work before uploading it or even giving it to the students but nobody is perfect.
We should be grateful to all those teachers who produce all this work. I know am.
And yes kids love colour. Mine were thrilled the other day when I had given them a colourful poster of gerund/infinitives downloaded from here...
Now if you don �t like all these images nor enjoy correcting the mistakes well..there are thousands of worksheets colleagues have made that are less colourful, no mistakes or just plain black and white.
Simple...CHOOSE something else.
We are teachers and our job is (basically) to correct others work together with many other worthwhile teachings...
10 Mar 2013
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