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Grammar and Linguistics > Number of rooms in a house
Number of rooms in a house
Number of rooms in a house
Hi everyone! I �d like to ask for your help on the correct way to count the rooms in a house. Do we consider the basement and attic rooms? Do we include the bathrooms or toilets? What about the hall? If there is a bedroom with an en suite bathroom does it make 1 or 2 rooms? Thanks in advance! |
12 Mar 2013
In American English (not sure about Europe) you would usually hear a house or appartment referred to as having one/two/three bedrooms... you would describe it mentioning the hall, the kitchen, the living room, dining room and bedrooms, I guess. Sophia |
12 Mar 2013
In England we count the number of bedrooms. Eg. It �s a four bedroomed house or It �s a three bed semi, a two bed flat etc.
When we go on to describe the house/flat that �s forsale we then talk about the number of reception rooms (eg. lounge, kitchen, dining room). The hall, bathrooms, cellars etc are all extras that we mention seperately.
In England we use the term flat as opposed to appartment in America,
Emma |
12 Mar 2013
In the US, we either state only the number of bedrooms (and sometimes the number of bathrooms, too), or the number of rooms, not including bathrooms. I live in a 3-bedroom house. I live in a 3-bedroom, 1-bathroom house. I live in a 6-room house (living room, dining room, kitchen and 3 bedrooms). I used to live in a 3-room apartment (kitchen, living room and bedroom. It also had a bathroom). All of these are common here. Bruce |
12 Mar 2013
manonski (f)
In Quebec, apartments are described with the number of rooms it has plus half. For example, a 4 1/2 means 4 rooms (kitchen, living room and 2 bedrooms) plus the bathroom.
For example, I live in a 5 1/2. My apartment has 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and the 1/2 is for bathroom.
When describing a house, we go the same as Bruce explained.
12 Mar 2013
What if I am supposed to have a 3 bedroom house, but my wife uses all three bedrooms for her art supplies and scrapbooking things?
12 Mar 2013