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Ask for help > Gerund or infinitive?
Gerund or infinitive?
Gerund or infinitive?
Dear colleagues,
Can you please comment on these two sentences:
We discussed the budget and then went on talking about sales. We discussed the budget and then went on to talk about sasles.
If go on + INFINITIVE means THEN and go on + GERUND means CONTINUE
is it possible that the second example is correct or are they both correct? What do you think?
Thank you for your answers and have a nice evening. Zvonka
2 Apr 2013
The first one sounds like the discussion of sales is continuing the discussion of the budget, where as the other sentence sounds like you talked about the budget THEN talked about sales.
I hope that helped. |
2 Apr 2013
In the following example both sentences are correct but with a difference in meaning:
E.g. Go on reading. = Continue to do the same thing. Go on to read the text. = Begin something new.
With YOUR example I should say the second sentence is correct because the discussion of the budget did not involve the discussion of sales right from the beginning. This is epressed by AND THEN...
Hope I could help.
2 Apr 2013
Dear Aubrey and Isa,
thank you for your answers- I find them very useful to make the right decision.
3 Apr 2013