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Grammar and Linguistics > Do boxing or Go boxing??
Do boxing or Go boxing??
Do boxing or Go boxing??
Hi everyone!!
I �d like to know which one is correct:
"do boxing" or "go boxing"
Thanks!!!! |
4 Apr 2013
Actually, neither of those expressions is used. The usual form, depending on the sentence, is either simply "box" or "practice boxing".
What do you do after school?
I box twice a week for exercise and fun.
My brothers are boxing in the backyard.
What are your hobbies?
skiing and boxing
I ski and box
I ski and practice boxing (not very common, and it sounds very formal)
Bruce |
4 Apr 2013
Thank you very much for your explanation.
And is it correct to say: "O go skiing in my free time?"or just "I ski in my free time"? following your example in the sentences you provided.
Thanks again. |
4 Apr 2013
With some activities, such as skiing, both are possible, with a slight difference in meaning. If you are just naming your hobby, you use the simple verb: "I ski in my free time". If you are talking about traveling (even if it is a very short distance) to participate in the activity, you use "go": "I go skiing in my free time".
It also works for skating, swimming, etc. - The simple present just names your hobby. Using "go" says that you participate in the activity.
Bruce |
4 Apr 2013