Your text could be corrected as follows: " You said :"let us discuss", but then you left it at that.Of course ,you are going to get a variety of responses, just like you do in a classroom�� �
Needless to say ,there are other mistakes in your post. I just do not have time to correct them. However, bear in mind the following clues :
1. When you report someone�s speech, put a colon. It is shown in red.
2. In academic writing, a subject is always necessary before a verb.
3. What do you mean by : � at that � ? It sounds like an unbearable ambiguity. You should have said : � You did not specify the way your post should be discussed. �
4. That � are going � cannot definitely go with � said � in the past although i might still be receiving comments.
5. There is a difference between � like � and � as �. Check a grammar book for that.
In a nutshell, � those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. �, as the saying goes. I did not capitalise some words that should in fact be because I cared more about the message, and i was writing fast. Walt Whitman insisted on writing � i � in small letter to show democracy and equality between the letters of the alphabet ; and henceforth appealing for tolerance, equality and justice among people. This is why I�d rather you stopped your RACISM ! what I mean is : stop saying � we � in Australia�.. . That sounds selfish for we are all citizens of the world. We are all human beings.
P.S: ( Look at the colon Mr. or Ms. PUNCTUATION TEACHER) Is it fair to make animals drink alcohols as in your avatar? So pitiless if one does so.
Have a nice day.