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Message board > WORD OF THE DAY
Thanks, Marion, for choosing my definition!
Here �s my proposal to you all:
Remember: no dictionaries, only your imagination or wit are required to redefine this word!
(Hope it wasn �t in the game before...)
11 Apr 2013
It �s when a cat and an optopus are having a romance,something very usual on the northwest coast of Spain!!!
11 Apr 2013
Too easy... When cats want to know about their future, they go to a fortune-teller for a cartomancy session, where their nine lives (seven in Spain) are review one by one shuffling the tarot cards.
11 Apr 2013
This word has two definitions based on hte following:
cat-cat (or the short form of Caterpillar--a famous farm machine (tractor) manufacturer
opt.- abbreviation for option/optional
1) The enjoyment one has once they have decided they want to get a new cat. The pleasure of researching books, the internet, and other sources for information on cats and visiting pet shops and animal shelters to see what options are available.
2) The pleasure of researching and deciding on which Caterpillar tractor (and with which options) to buy. |
12 Apr 2013
Catoptromancy: this word alludes to the great orator, senator and quaestor Cato. He actually had a bad side to his character, he was paranoid and sneaky, plotting against the great Julius Caesar. However, the Catoptromancists seek to deny this, insisting that he was the secret messiah and saviour of mankind. Cato pt= per tempus romance. Cato, you were a man for all times and we love you. That is their mission statement. |
12 Apr 2013
It �s the wave of uncivilized aggression and bloodlust and murderous intent I get when cats howl and cry and whine and shriek under my bedroom window in the middle of the night ! My thoughts go beyond buckets of cold water I want to throw at them and involves visions of strangling, shooting, and stoning them to death. Sorry, I�m normally a very peaceful person, but when it comes to losing sleep over things, people or noises...
12 Apr 2013
Oops, I got my last definition mixed up with Catoqtromancy. Catoptromancy is when your cat has to have an operation and you really don �t want to face it. Your friend steps in and you pretend it isn �t happening as it �s too traumatic for you. cat - op (operation) tr (truant) o man (oh, man, that �s just too much!) |
12 Apr 2013
Catoptromancy is a kind of foretelling the future in the following way:
You put glasses on your cat and then you let it perform its magic tricks! If it purrs, good news for you. If it looks dizzy and walks around in a funny way, well...take its glasses off!
Cat + optron (glasses) + mancy (fortune- telling) |
12 Apr 2013
It is when a cat falls in love with his optician, and then they have a romance. You see... he cannot study at all! He is just thinking about his love...
12 Apr 2013
Not very common, the word comes from the greek, "katoptron", mirror and "manteia" divination, some synonyms of the word are captromancy or enoptromancy and refers to the divination by using a mirror. |
12 Apr 2013