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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Teaching Values to Children
Teaching Values to Children
Teaching Values to Children
Dear colleagues,
I wanted to share a teaching experience I had after watching a video on youtube last night. I was really impressed and it got me thinking about the values that our society lacks, and our responsibility as teachers to at least �try to� teach those values to our students that will help them become better �humans� � which should primarily be taught by their parents.
I did a 15-minute mini-lesson with my Grade 7s today, started by brainstorming about values that we have been taught by our parents such as respecting elders, having good manners, helping others, protecting other living things, etc. Then I showed the video to the students and received their comments about what values were important in society and how the video made them feel. I received comments like they were ashamed of themselves at some point and felt bad about the society they live in. I told them not to feel hopeless about it because they are our future and they can make a change if they want to. I believe it was a very valuable lesson, so I wanted to share it with you. I think it could be done with all levels whenever you find the time. |
7 May 2013
mouna gueni
i really enjoyed the video ! yes ! we sometimes forget we are human ! we are not only english teachers . we should teach our students noble values too . thank you !
7 May 2013
Thank you very much. It �s really very useful. I am teaching my pupils about cooperation and volunteering and this video will help me introduce this topic.
7 May 2013
Thank you, what a great video! A good starting point to discuss real life values with kids! |
7 May 2013
Great video showing the great values everybody should adopt and live with , thanks so much for sharing .
Flori |
7 May 2013