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Caption competition winner
Caption competition winner
Well, I asked to be impressed, and I certainly was! I liked them all - Matthew �s play on words �I would be lion if.. � Marieth� having the lion observe �yuck, too skinny! � He certainly is looking down his nose at her! Or, is he curling his nose in disgust because the gentle lady has let rip/let one off/trumped/farted? This possibility was put forward by Marian and graphically elaborated by irawinj and Dutchboy. Bruce of course is too refined to go there (but he did think it!) I liked Allisa �s entry, which has the lion commenting on having lunch with a lady, slender and tender. So, he �s going to make lunch of a lady.
So, is Leo reeling with a nasty riff up his nose, or is he eyeing up his lunch? The winner is Allisa! |
10 May 2013