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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Vacation

Hi everyone, I need help because I would like to prepare a lesson for adults connected with going on holidays. I would like to prepare sth different and more interesting not only vocabulary but also phrases, senetnces which are helpful while going on holidays. I need some visual support maybe a video or listening or sth like that. I would like them to fill sth in not only to learn new words but I can`t find anything interesting. They`re adults so they know quite a lot and I want to draw their attention. Have you visited any websites that could be helpful or videos (e.g. on youtube). I`m searching but it`s dufficult to find sth and I even haven`t got the slightest idea what kind of key words I should use in order to find what I`m looking for. Have you got any ideas? Pleae, help me.
12 Jun 2013

I have a couple of teaching ideas here
and the list could go on and on... just surf the net for the topic and you �ll find tons and tons of materials
Sophia |
12 Jun 2013