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Dear Italian members
Dear Italian members
I just read that the Italian word "pomodoro" (tomato) translates as "gold apple" in Italian. I always thought it was "love apple". Which is it, please? Thank you very much, Bruce
24 Jun 2013
Hi Bruce :-) It is definitely "pomo" = APPLE and "d�oro" = GOLDEN. "Pomo" can also mean fruit in general, but it is not a common word, perhaps more commonly used in local dialects. Hope this helps. Love, Alex
24 Jun 2013
Hi Bruce. In Sicily we call it "Love apple" (pumaramuri), because it wasn �t used as vegetable but it was more a decorative plant and because of its colour and shape (a heart) it was used by lovers as a promise of love. But when the tomato arrived in Europe with Columbus, the shape and colour were completely different from those we know now: the tomato was a kind of golden yellow berry, the golden apple - pomo d �oro/pomodoro. Ciao.
25 Jun 2013
OK. Those two answers together tell me that pomodoro does mean golden apple, and that it is also called a love apple. Thanks! Bruce |
25 Jun 2013
maryse pey�
Hey Bruce, Is New York a "pomodoro" ? Is this Big Apple a Golden Apple AND a Golden Gate ? Sinatra and Minelli sing that it is a city that never sleeps... I guess it is because everyone bites this Love Apple ? Hugs to all. Maryse. |
25 Jun 2013
Maryse, the Golden Gate is San Francisco, which Tony Bennett sang about! Bruce |
25 Jun 2013
maryse pey�
Oh Bruce, How right you are but I �m afraid the lyrics of the song New York New York got me a little too drunk... and as geography is one of my worst enemies... my steps wandered me a little too far ! Good Wednesday everyone ! Maryse. |
26 Jun 2013