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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Parts of the Body
Parts of the Body

Pinky Makus
Parts of the Body
I see many members making worksheets for the parts of the body. Have you tried this? Have your students trace each other onto large pieces of paper and then label the parts of the body. For fun you cut up each "body" to make a big puzzle. If you want to be really silly, get someone (perhaps a friend instead of a student....) to trace you and have the children label the paper you and decorate you. The results maybe really funny. (Make sure you have rules about what they can label and what they can�t.)
Find the lyrics to the Coconut Soap song by Frank Leto. It mentions many parts of the body.
I hope that helps. :)
28 Jan 2009

thanks, now I just have to learn to play the guitar!!
28 Jan 2009

This is a very interesting idea, pinky! And you can keep "the bodies" and, later on, when you teach the clothes unit, you can "dress" the bodies with "clothes" made by the students.
Thank you for sharing your ideas!
:o) |
28 Jan 2009

Pinky Makus
For sure! You can also mix-up all the parts and see how long it takes each child to assemble their bodies. (Make sure you put a little symbol or their name on each part.)
You don�t need to play the guitar for the Coconut Soap song. Frank Leto has his songs on CD�s. I am not sure where you can find an audio sample of the song.
28 Jan 2009

Try youtube! There�s a really nice video for young students!
29 Jan 2009

Pinky Makus
I just watched the video with my son. I love it!!!
29 Jan 2009