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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > Vocabulary exercises/book with word lists
Vocabulary exercises/book with word lists
Vocabulary exercises/book with word lists
Dear friends,
I �m looking for a book or exercises like "Vocabulary in Use" with a somewhat different approach. What I �m looking for is somethings like this:
- vocabulary sorted into themes/topics - 25 words in a list (the number is just an example) for easy access and to learn the words without reading through a whole page of exercises or text - exercise like "match words on one side + explanation/synonym/example on the other side" - reinforcement of the new words with second exercise like gabfilling/unscramble the word in a sentence (but always in context, not just a single word)
I know the "Vocabulary in Use" series and like it, but I �m looking for a "cleaner" more straight forward version. Simple lists, quick exercises, not necessarily pictures, maybe only two pages per topic. I think there should be something like this, maybe you can help. I have a clear vision in my head. When I find the time to make these worksheets, I will, but right now I �m searching for an easy way out.
Any suggestions? Thanks so much
30 Jun 2013
How about Timesaver Vocabulary Activities?
30 Jun 2013