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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Caption Contest (Repost)
Caption Contest (Repost)

Caption Contest (Repost)
Here is a repost of Pamela�s Caption Contest photo so it can be seen (my apologies to Pamela if I am being too presumptious):
Wow, thanks...sorry just got back,Canada Day holiday!
I �ll get you a picture soon, promise...let me search! Here you go! Hope this inspires you! |
1 Jul 2013

"Come-on Dad, keep looking for a hairstyle you like. It �s time for a change, yours is so 70s." |
1 Jul 2013

maryse pey�
Tremble John Travolta ! The new star is born ! |
1 Jul 2013

Peter Hardy
Oh dear, dad has forgotten his password again! |
1 Jul 2013

Do human beings really think they have evolved in the right direction because they can use stuff like this? Well I guess they should come back up to the trees and join us again! |
1 Jul 2013

You CAN teach an old mandrill new tricks !! (*)
(*) analogy to the saying: you can �t teach an old dog new tricks
1 Jul 2013

I �m a mandrill but with this laptop I can do a lot of "man drills"
1 Jul 2013

Sorry kids, when I asked for an apple I wasn �t expecting this either! |
1 Jul 2013

I�d like to add an ending to the last one.
Sorry kids, when I asked for an apple I wasn�t expecting this either! But I am so happy with it, so much to do, see, play with....
1 Jul 2013

Infant: Who is that gorilla you are gesturing to fader? is she a member of your Ape Group? And what �s she saying? I can �t understand her signs.
Father: This is Hanabi-Ko, the founder of and my virtual teacher of ASL. You can �t understand her because she �s not using our usual GSL.
Mother Gorilla: And why learning this language? I �m afraid, I think you are flirting again on this snout book!
1 Jul 2013
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