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New Word of the Day!

New Word of the Day!
Thank you, mohamedthabet, for selecting me as the Word of the Day winner. (You were very busy this week; you had also won the Caption contest. Good work!) I apologize for the lack of formatting, but I can �t make paragraphs with this browser. So, on to the new Word of the Day:
furciferous . Remember, give a plausible fake definition, not the real one! I �ll decide on a winner on the evening of 3 July server time. I look forward to seeing your definitions! |
1 Jul 2013

Don �t mess with me, I �m having a furciferous (bad fur) day!
1 Jul 2013

Furciferous: A fur coat made of Lucifer �s skin that Linda Blair was wearing in the famous film "The Exorcist".
1 Jul 2013

Taboo word
for �pimp�. It comes from Latin �ferre� (carry) and Spanish �furcia�
2 Jul 2013

It �s an adjective that describes the clothing/armor of early (iron age and beyond) warrior tribes/races like the stereotypical Vikings.
fur--containing fur/furry
ferrous--containing iron
"Arm yourselves! Yon comes a band of men in furciferous garb--they are surely Norsemen come to rape and pillage!" |
2 Jul 2013

Douglas, you are absolutely right, no ignoring the meaning of words...
fur - hair covering the body of non humans
ferrous - containging iron
I don �t understand, however, how you - with your extensive knowledge - missed the obvious...
Iron Cat!!!
2 Jul 2013

It�s for golf of course, a fur cap for your favourite iron
2 Jul 2013