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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Caption Contest July 3-?, 2013 (WINNER!)
Caption Contest July 3-?, 2013 (WINNER!)

Caption Contest July 3-?, 2013 (WINNER!)
Hi all,
As I prepare to trot-off into my weekend (only 2 more hours of class) I would like to thank all who participated in the Caption Contest. I didn �t really know what to expect with the picture and I am really pleased with the results.
Among others, Holmes and Watson helped set the period and the Bowie reference really pleased me. In the end it came down to two I had trouble deciding between. But I knew that if I chose Mariethe �s I would be accused of being a "typical man" that is easily swayed by some bare breasts (sex sells)--at a depper level I really liked the comparison she made. So in order to shake the stereotype and honor the caption that made me and others laugh, the winner is...
The Amy Winehouse refeence fits the picture perfectly.
Congrats and thanks,
Douglas |
5 Jul 2013