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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Caption Contest July 8-? 2013 Revisietd
Caption Contest July 8-? 2013 Revisietd

Caption Contest July 8-? 2013 Revisietd
There �s been some pretty funny captions so far, anyone else wanna try?
9 Jul 2013

The moment when little Johnny tells his teachers that he has a younger brother starting next year.
9 Jul 2013

Mommy took little boy to early learning specialists because she was shy to explain to her son that she was pregnant, and didn �t know how to answer his witty questions. This is the reaction to the specialist ladies when they were trying to explain to little boy the wonders of the birds and the bees.... and then.......HE starts explaining to THEM about mommy and daddy �s play games when they think he �s asleep! Since he �s being very explicit giving lots of details, these ladies are veeeeeeery interested! |
9 Jul 2013

Hmmm...comparatives,superlatives...Uh........I example...uh......YOUR BOOBIES ARE BIGGER THAN HERS BUT MY MOM �S ARE THE BIGGEST!
Thanks for the amusing interlude that this activity has given me.
Naomi from Quebec, Canada |
9 Jul 2013

To Pameladion: One of the teachers seems shocked, the other one looks rather amazed if not delighted; Are these different reactions resulting from the child �s sentence? Is the mother the one sitting next to him? She looks the most delighted; may be she �s proud her son is really good at grammar!
10 Jul 2013

No credit here, all credit goes to a student of mine, a few years back, who actually shouted this out in a class. He did have a good answer! It did take me awhile however to get the class under control again.
(Of course, I don�t encourage this behaviour. I didn�t laugh at the time, but after class...well, let�s just say, I�ve never forgotten it!)
10 Jul 2013