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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Caption Contest July 8-? 2013 WINNER!
Caption Contest July 8-? 2013 WINNER!

Caption Contest July 8-? 2013 WINNER!
Once again you have all made me laugh, gasp, groan, and snicker.
The contributions to the Caption Contest this time included pencils, pens, boogers, birds, bees, spiders, frogs, and kids with two tongues. They also went a bit risque with mommy�s friend BOB, her games with Daddy, her breasts, and a pen. One smart-ass kid had finished all his assignments and another was setting the stage for his younger brother�s upcoming visit.
I can picture Naomi�s face when her young student shared his/her comparative/superlative example.
In the end though it was Titine69�s caption that I felt best captures the look on the ladies´ faces.
The winning caption was:
"Hey ,beautiful blonde girl!! are you free tonight?"
Congratulations Titine 69!
Douglas |
11 Jul 2013

Thank you so much Douglas!It �s the first time I win,so I am very pleasantly surprised.
I will post a picture soon.
Thanks again!
Titine  |
11 Jul 2013