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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Amazing easy game! SHOUT IT OUT!
Amazing easy game! SHOUT IT OUT!
Amazing easy game! SHOUT IT OUT!
I know this was posted awhile back but this is too fantastic! So Here is the link again.
14 Aug 2013
It is really great - my classes love it and would play it all lesson, if I let them. I also gave some training to a group of EAL teachers recently and I interspersed the training with a game of this. Every ten minutes or so, we had a question. With my students, I have to watch out for cheating - letters up sleeves, under the table, under bums...! With the teachers, the competition was fierce! It really made the session go with a swing and they all took the idea back to their schools. So, thanks grammarman! And thanks pameladion for re-posting. There is an old board game version of this, with question cards, but I had lost all the cards.
Lynne |
14 Aug 2013