A good idea is to play NOUGHTS AND CROSSES. Here is the procedure ( in case you are not familiar with it):- Divide the class into two groups, one is the X and the other is the O.
- Draw a nine square table and put a number in each square( from 1 to 9).
- Prepare some envelopes containing the infinitive of the verbs you want them to practice( an envelope for each square).
- Ask a students from the X team to choose a number. Then he/she picks up o verb from the corresponding envelope and either says its past simple form or makes up a sentence with that verb in the past simple.( it�s up to you to decide what you want them to do, but you have to decide before starting the game so that you can explain them the rules of the game)
-The same procedure is applied with team O.
-The game goes on until all the squares have been used , or until one of the teams manages to get a row of two X/ O.