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Can someone help me?
Can someone help me?
Hi, everybody! I am from Ukraine, I am new here. I like this website very much and I would like to be the member of your big family. I sent some of my printables, but I still haven�t got any points. I would like to have some flash-cards, lesson-plans, or work-sheets (any topic) for my preschol kids. Can someone be nice and e-mail them to me. My e-mail address is: [email protected]. I really appreciate your help
29 Jan 2009
Welcome Lena!
this is a share site. You probably read the rules when you signed up, but here they are again.
Every time someone downloads one of your worksheets, you get one point, which
will be added to your account.
For example, if you have 12 points, you can make 12 downloads from the site.
When you reach 30 points, you become a premium user. Premium users are allowed
to download 30 of the daily recent contributions for free.
Your points will show up a day or two later. We don�t send each other�s materials by mail. But a member may send you their own, if they like.
I would suggest you just keep on uploading your materials and then you�ll be able to download whatever you like.
this is a share site - what you give is what you get.
29 Jan 2009