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Most of our students leave the school grounds to either go home for lunch or buy lunch at MacDonalds or some other fast food restaurant. There is no specific name though for these students.
30 Aug 2013
This is very interesting and now I feel like starting a debate with my
students about that topic. I imagine that if lunch break is 30 minutes
that makes school day shorter than in France. May I ask now to you, nice
ESL members, what time does school start and finish in your country ?
Then I could ask my students if they would rather have a short lunch
break and finish school earlier or stay the way it is in France. Thank you and I wish you a nice weekend everyone, the last one before school starts on Monday for us French teachers.
31 Aug 2013
In Minnesota class started at 7:30 and ended at 2:00, with a short lunch break from 11:30 to noon (students had 5 classes in a day). Have a nice weekend too |
31 Aug 2013
Thank you Nathalie . May I just ask how long is a class?
So I sum up what I need for all the teachers who would like to participate. I need to know the country of the school, what time school starts and finishes, how long is lunch break, how many classes there are in a usual day and how long a class is. You may also tell me how long a break is and how many breaks you & your students have in a day. I will copy everything in a word document.
Teachers of any country can participate.
Thank you everyone
31 Aug 2013
In England, it varies. However, most schools start between 8 and 9 a.m and finish between 2.50 and 4 p.m. The lunch breaks also vary - from about half an hour to an hour. A lot of schools have �split lunch times � so the canteen can cope with the numbers.
Our school starts at 8.20 and finishes at 2.55, Monday to Thursday. The morning break is twenty minutes and the lunch break is 35 minutes. On Friday, we finish at 12.20 because most students are Muslims and they go to the mosque on Friday afternoon. The morning break on Friday is 35 minutes and the canteen offers fish and chips, burger and chips, or chips. |
31 Aug 2013
Each class was 55 min long with 5 minutes in between to go from one room to another. |
31 Aug 2013
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