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first or welcome class

first or welcome class
Hi friends,
My classes start next week but I have no idea about what to to in my first make them feel confortable and welcome...
help me please!!! |
30 Jan 2009

lokk at , thats what I usually do and it is always a great fun :)
Bye Ivush
30 Jan 2009

I�s important to be awared of their age, country they live, background...etc. So we provide you with a better answer.
Miss Melissa.  |
30 Jan 2009

Sorry Melissa your are right...They are from 7 to 12 years old |
30 Jan 2009

They�re children, so they probably like to move a lot. Hope these activities can help you:
Hi-5 game (got it from New English Parade website) -Suitable for first-time learners, so they don�t know their friends yet. -Basically, 2-by-2, students high five each other while asking and answering personal info questions: �What�s your name?�, �Where do you live?�, etc. -Model first, give them 2-3 minutes per pair. -They have to change partner every time you shout �change�. -Let them play for a while, at the end of the game find out who can have the most information, share it with class.
Spot the lie. -For students returning to class, so they already know each other. -Give each student a piece of paper and ask them to fold it twice, so they have 4 spaces. -Tell them to write their own name first, then write 3 truths and 1 lie about themselves in those spaces. No particular order, they can put the lie in any of the 4s. Truths/lies should not be something so obvious: �I�m a girl� (for boys) or �I�m a student� (everyone is). They could write about their fave holidays, aspiration, habit, experience, etc. -Post the paper along the classroom walls. -Tell students they have to move along the walls to write their initials to each paper at the �lie� space. Encourage them to guess. They may change their choice, but they have to erase/cross their previous answer. They can�t discuss their choice with other people, or ask any question. -When everyone is done, distribute the paper back to students: it�s time to come clean. -See how many people are �good liars�, �angels�, and who can spot the most lies. Discuss.
30 Jan 2009

Laughing makes everybody feel comfortable and happy so why noy making them laugh as well? I used to do the following:
*Give each student a piece of paper (a small one) and ask them to fold it in two parts.
*ask them if they have got a pet (here you can ask whatever you want, for example, favourite fruit, food, colour, etc) but make sure everyone has an answer.
*then in the top part they have to write their pet�s name (or whatever you chose, animals, colours, food, fruit...) and below their names.
*so the laughing part starts.....they have to introduce themselves by saying.....I am (the pet name) and their name: for example: (my pet�s name is "chispita")....... My name is "chispita" Osmar :P
children love listening to their classmate funny pet�s names so it is a funny way to break the ice...and to know them better. (make sure to start this part with your example :P) |
30 Jan 2009