even though I am not a �native � speaker, I think the thing to understand here is the multiple meaning of "can" (besides canny = smart).
a can (noun) means a tin/metal container (a can of tuna for example)
to can (verb) means to put into a can
(and therefore, a canner is someone who puts things into cans, just like a baker is someone who bakes..)
can (modal verb) means to be able to do something.
So it is possible to re-write to poem:
A very smart (canny) person
who puts things into metal containers (a canner)
said one morning to his grandmother (granny)
"someone who puts things into metal containers (a canner),
is able to (can) put into metal containers ( to can )
everything he is able to (can) put into the containers (to can)
but someone who puts things into cans, (a canner)
is not able to (can �t) put a metal container (a can ) into a metal container (a can),
or is he able to (or can he?)
Hope this helps...