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Conversational Games and Activities for Adult Beginners

Conversational Games and Activities for Adult Beginners
Hi All,
I am teaching Brazilian students of all ages at the beginner and intermediate levels. I have been successful finding many wonderful activities for children but not
so much for adults - the content is good for my students but the subject matter is geared towards young children.
I am looking for:
Conversational Activities or Worksheets with subject matter geared towards Beginner Adults.
Thanks |
30 Jan 2009

One web site I find quite useful, though very basic, for my adult students is Conversation
Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom
you will have to make your selection as some questions are too simple |
30 Jan 2009

What a coincidence, I�m having the same problem...I also have three Brazilian adult students and I really don�t know what to use in our classes. I�ll be following your/our case, and if I find something interesting, I�ll let you know! See you! |
30 Jan 2009

If you could provide more information about your students, it might be helpful.
I know you teach adults, but what are your students� ages? Young adults or older?
What is their proficiency level? Are they absolute beginners or false beginners?
What setting are you teaching in and for what purpose do the students need to learn English?
Do you know anything about the students� backgrounds? Do you know anything about their educational backgrounds? |
30 Jan 2009

That is the problem. I am living in Brazil and teaching students of all ages in a private english facility. The place is great because it�s philosophy is "economic inclusion" which means it offers english classes for cheap to people who would otherwise not be able to study english - in a poor community. The down side to that is huge. Classes are way too diverse. The ages range from 8-60 and these students could be in the same class together. A "beginner" student has been studying English for 1-2 years (2 hours a week) and an "intermediate" student has been studying for 3-4 (2 hours a week). I teach the conversation classes so there are different students every time - whoever wants practice. I have to be prepared for anything - one 8-year old or 30 teenagers/adults, who knows. As you can see, I need help! |
30 Jan 2009

I have a set of communication games (for elementary, intermediate and advanced). I think it is very useful. If you need it, give me your email address, I will send it to you.
30 Jan 2009