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Concerning worksheets > Free downloading?
Free downloading?
Hi Akva! How are you?Well, I agree with� Krisztina and also with�jamiejules��I think there are a great amount of different worksheets for everyone.In my case I don�t need so many because I don�t teach young or adults, but many times I download �just because I like them or just in case.. I undertand you but Be patient and WELCOME! |
1 Feb 2009
Hi Akva!
I understand how you feel. However, I think this site offers different kinds of worksheets for different audiences. I like worksheets that have content and that are appealing too. In my case, it is really hard to do that, without sacrificing the amount and quality of the pictures. However, I believe that if you take the time to look around, you will find worksheets that are intended for teenagers/ intermediate learners, and that have those two very important qualities.
One page worksheets work for me, but I have also worksheets that are uploaded by very creative members that have more than one page, and they find ways to make them useful and attractive.
I feel really blessed to be part of this family, where we share more than just worksheets :)
Think about it :)
Eva |
1 Feb 2009
alien boy
Hi akva!
Absolutely wonderful update, thank you!
I tend to agree with your initial points myself. Your work will force me to get my act into gear, re edit my Japanese/English worksheets & upload some.
Welcome to the community.
Kind regards, ab
1 Feb 2009
Akva, you brought up some thoughts:
It is true that children need more visual motivation than adults. And it is also true that on this site there are more worksheets for children than adults so more pictures, and clipart, and colours, and huge pictures as well. Sometimes it seems there is not room for more pictures in the worksheets here.
But you will have to get used to the idea that those kind of worksheets are what the majority of teachers like/download here.
Another fact is that most of the worksheets are too girly and we discussed that topic here as well. And of course most of the other worksheets and powerpoints are just GREAT.
But there are also other teachers that like the other ones and look for content rather than decorations and stuff. And also worksheet�s levels.
I hope you don�t lose that good feeling I see you have in working, I am kind of new here on this site and at first I got also surprised for those worksheets with so many pictures but not so good content ( personal appreciation) but they had about 200 downloads.
Anyway now that you are starting and making your worksheets you should balance between making them like the commercial ones or content-based ones, or maybe swing between both as I do.
I share my ideas , creativity and work, whoever downloads them Im glad they work for them. Honestly I don�t care that much about being the popular, police, moralist, but showing what I have learnt and learn everyday. I enjoy making my worksheets even if they have only 1 download.
I saw Loggos posted some tips to make a good worksheet which might help you a lot too. I like your work and worksheets !! Miss Melissa.
1 Feb 2009
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