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Hi friends!
I would like to know if you could give me some ideas for teaching songs to young learners (6-7 years old).. I feel it is so difficult to teach them songs, they become very noisy, they move all around the classroom....
Maybe could you suggest some games to play while singing...
All ideas are very welcome!
31 Jan 2009
Hi Bea,
I used to teach young children and I did the following not only with songs but with chants or words as well: When we have learnt the song we sang it in different ways, first: whispering, second: like a bear, next: like a little mouse, then: shouting, etc. They really liked it and somehow they got a little organised.
Hope it helped :)
31 Jan 2009
manonski (f)
I also teach that age group and they can�t sit still for a long period of time. That�s how they are at that age. They need to move.
As for songs:
-Wheels on the Bus, Old McDonalds, Five Little Monkeys, Ten In a Bed (Roll Over), Going to the Zoo, Sally the Camel, Hokey Pokey, Looby Loo, Mulberry Bush are all songs that work very well with my students.
31 Jan 2009
check out and just watch some of their videos. (you don�t have to buy the CDs) I use these all the time and the kids love them.
Hope this helps but my kids are a bit younger..... Take care Yeti xx |
31 Jan 2009
Your problem is a little bit strange to me because children at that age LOVE action songs and they are always engrossed in them. Maybe it�s the way you present them to the children. Check the site that yetigumboots suggested. I loved "What do you want for Christmas". You can see the way the singer involves the children and then you can use it in your own classroom.
Also, i don�t know what �noise� you complained about, whether the noise they made because of disinterestedness or the noise (i.e. loudness) while singing the song. The latter is desirable and advisable if you want your class to be a success.
31 Jan 2009
Try to act the song because children realy like it . (thay do what you say, it is a good way to organize them)
31 Jan 2009
hi, things that motivate children also work. I say them �I will choose the one who sings the song best the mcqueen, (spider man, bugs bunny , etc ) of the class.� Also we say in different versions screaming, whispering like Krisztina and it really works
31 Jan 2009
| is the answer!!!!
31 Jan 2009
Hi BEA.!
Some time ago, I came across this site in You Tube and I recommended it to one of the teachers at the institute where I used to work. I think you�ll like it and find it very useful! Good luck!
31 Jan 2009
I also teach students with that age and, for my experience, I can tell you that singing songs is one of the best ways I found for them to remember what I want to teach them!
They remember the target language much better than if I told them simply the sentences or vocabulary!
As kotya has already said, try to act the song. At that age (and with any group age, I think) there are students who catch the song more easily than others or are more ashamed to sing. Making gestures while you sing is a great option for many reasons:
- You can involve all the students (even the ones who can�t sing very well or are a bit ashamed can always participate by doing the actions)
- They can better remember what do the words they are singing mean because of the gestures.
- It�s more fun than simply singing! The more silly gestures you make, the more fun it will be for them and the more involved they will be!
With "The Wheels on the Bus" you can make a living Bus with students (like a train) and sing while "driving" through the classroom. They are moving, but with a purpose and they are making what you say (hopefully ).
You must try to involve them as much as you can while singing, you must make them like what they are doing. It�s half way for making them become quiet. (I also have a very noisy class, so I understand your problem).
Sometimes this also works: everybody is standing up while singing and making the gestures. If someone missbehaves, you tell them they must sit down and they aren�t allowed to sing or do anything more during that lesson. If they are enjoying to sing and participate, they will try to behave.
I hope some of these ideas are useful!
Good luck!
Kita |
31 Jan 2009
Daidougei Dave
Here in Japan, my English teaching company was teaching things like Old McDonald and so on, and the kids were just, like "Uh..." because these songs aren�t made for children learning English, they�re made for kids who are native speakers!
So then I bought Genki English ( CDs and they have been wonderful. You can listen to song samples online and on youtube. The song needs to be simple, it needs to repeat, and it needs to have the grammar topic included in an easy-to-understand format. I use it almost every day! |
1 Feb 2009
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