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Require activities

Require activities
Hi everyone, I have another �elementary ADULT class to teach, and the topic is Living/Home and can use a little bit of furniture. Could you share any ideas of activities I could use in that class, it is very difficult to keep them interested.Any ideas will be most splendid
Thanks |
1 Feb 2009

Where abouts are you living? For example if you are in the UK (as your flag suggests?) you could get some IKEA catalogues or some from other big stores and they have to in pairs"design" every room in the house using the cut outs etc from the catalogues. Make it a competition to see who has the best designed room or house. (depending on the length of your lesson) You will need to get some large paper (or have every room on a separate page)
1. They have to make a basic list (in english) of what they need to furnish their house. **Give them a budget to stick to (realistic so that they can "afford" to buy all the basics for each room like the necessary furniture. (Again money values spoken in english) 2. They can then use their allocated budget to furnish the rooms. (They can put the price next to the item in the list that they have already written earlier) ** Also great for competition to see who can stay within budget!!!!! 3. Compare rooms: does each room have the essential basics that would be necessary? Ie a wardrobe for clothes in the bedroom, an oven in the kitchen etc.... All presentations of rooms must be done in english: ie we have chosen a large white wardrobe and 2 small white bed side sets of drawers...
My sessions are 2 1/2 hours long so it can be done... you will need to think about your time frame and what materials you need for preparation. Maybe you might be only able to do the kitchen and the lounge for example in one lesson... or different groups/pairs could have different rooms within the house...
Everyone has a inner stylist just bursting to get out hehe.....
1 Feb 2009

I don�t know how advanced your class is, but try this:
hope it helps. |
1 Feb 2009

Thanks guys for your ideas, but I am a teacher trainee at the moment and the lesson is going to be only for 30 mins, the level is very elementary. Any other ideas? |
1 Feb 2009