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need your opinions
Hello. Well I �ve been having some troubles to plan my lessons, I �m teaching primary students in Mexico, 6th graders in a public school. The thing is these students have a very low level, I mean they can �t even use simple present and they �re not very interested in learning English. And to make things worse in this unit They have to learn how to write an English Report. So what can I do? Any suggestions?, well you can check the didactic planing here (we have to plan based on that thing) What would you do if you were me? Thank you in advance |
3 Nov 2013
Peter Hardy
Planning is important, but keep it as simple as possible. I barely use more than three or four �steps �. Otherwise you may overwhelm them. As they are kids, have you tried to integrate games in your lessons? Kids like to play, and when having fun, they won �t realize they �re learning. It may get them interested. There are several good worksheets on this site to get you started.
Cheers, Peter |
3 Nov 2013
focus on the learning outcomes of every activity you do with them, i.e. what they will be able to do after they �ve completed it. I �m with Peter as to the games. You can use speaking cards, vocabulary and memory games and these can be used for any grammar point/topic. As to getting them interested, think of a link-up with a school from the USA (they are the closest neighbours) or any other English-speaking country. Then your students will have more practical, realistic, authentic goals for learning English. How about ? If you type in "games" in the search bar, you �ll get some pretty awesome stuff.
4 Nov 2013
thank you very much for your comments =) I know I have to try more games but sometimes with this topics and planing thing I usually forget and focus more on the "bla bla bla stuff" . Anyway I will try to integrate games in my lessons. Thanks again friends! |
4 Nov 2013
I think you can make them learn how to use the power point and have them make a story in English by adding some related pictures and sound to each slide. My students find making powerpoint slideshows as very much fun. and that gives them a motivation to learn English. also have them compete with each other. for example, tell them the best story and the best slide show will receive a prize.
4 Nov 2013
Hola, yes that �s a great idea. Problem is that we can �t go to the computer lab too much because it is specially for subject teachers not for English teachers. Once in a while they don �t use it so we are able to spend some tiem there. I guess I will probably try this for next computer session thanks! |
4 Nov 2013