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Russian Federation

Need you help

Dear colleagues,

I�m writing a work on text adaptation.Does anyone happen to know anything about it? I need theory on this topic, for instance, reasons for text adaptation, what it is, by what means and forms.

I�ll be very much obliged for any help.

2 Feb 2009      

alien boy

Hi lexxa,

I haven�t really had time to check my resources fully yet but I have come a cross a few interesting bits & pieces!

An online annotated bibliography of works on Extensive reading in a second language

Some of these references will deal with theory of reading & types of reading material that are apparently desired by students or are more effective for student language acquisition.

A great Powerpoint on materials adaptation

I think this link may be an extract of the referenced study by Kelly, et al

& then there�s the impact of technology! Do you intend to look at computers & the internet & the impact of available text? You could look at this study to get a few ideas.

If you can find this book, it may also be helpful for you:
Echevarria, J., Vogt M. and Short D. (2004). Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners. Pearson Education, Inc.
Here is a short breakdown of this publication.

Now, if you provide a few more specifics about what aspect of text adaptation you mean then, if I get time tomorrow, I might be able to get you some slightly better stuff!

If you have access to any good online databases (like through a local library) you should be able to get some excellent journal articles.

Good luck!

2 Feb 2009     

United Kingdom

Here are some links/materials which may help. http://courses.washington.edu/kgb2lit/adaptation/ http://teacanarias.org/team2/team2_79_spain.pdf http://www.willis-elt.co.uk/downloads/IATEFL2006abstract_JW.doc http://www.barrow.k12.ga.us/esol/Using_Adapted_Texts_in_ELL_Clasrooms.pdf http://www.britishcouncil.org/languageassistant-tips-adapting-materials.htm http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/custom/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED021211&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED021211 http://english236-w2008.pbwiki.com/Alice+Reflection http://www.muhlenberg.edu/depts/forlang/new_llc/faculty_websites/luba_iskold/CALICO_2007.ppt http://www.tefl.net/alexcase/category/teaching/tefl/materials/textbooks/adapt-book/ http://www.cal.org/create/research/index.html

2 Feb 2009     

Russian Federation

Thanks for your help!

2 Feb 2009