Hi all,
This has absolutely nothing to do with English but since many of you work in schools, and some of you even teach other subjects as well I thought to give it a try.
At our school, there is one week a year where all the traditional subjects are put aside. They mix all the kids from second to sixth grade and we teach them about a certain subject in a more hands-on way. This means that I will not teach English at all, and will be working with a lot of kids I never taught before. It is great fun and a good way to really get to know other teachers and kids in the school.
This year the �big theme � is animals. I am supposed to give two workshops. (suitable for 10 to 15 kids aged 7 to 12, and lasting an hour and a half).
One workshop has to have something to do with "animals of prey vs prey" and the second workshop has to touch upon "social structures" (this includes herds, prides, beehives, but also solitary animals vs groups).
The good thing is that the connection can be �loose � and anything goes, theater, dance, art, building things, simulations, whatever. I prefer the kind that is one the one hand educational but on the other hand �cool � (I have build fire-tornadoes, hot air balloons and water rockets in the past for example)
If anyone has any idea, or if you saw something cool in your school, please send me a PM. I really need ideas.