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Ask for help > TRUE OR FALSE?
In my region, the university entrance exams sometimes include TRUE / FALSE exercises which are not clear enough for me. Could you please help me with this one?
Here is the paragraph:
"Taking a meal before drinking slows the process of getting drunk, but once alcohol gets to the small intestine the effects kick in".
And here is the question:
If you drink on an empty stomach, you will get drunk easily.
I �d say it is false ( because of what comes after "but") but I �m not sure.
Thanks for your attention.
14 Nov 2013
The answer is "True". The first part, before the "but", is the most important piece of information. After the "but" is secondary information which tells you what will happen whether there is food in the stomach or not. If there is no food in the stomach to slow the process of getting drunk, then the alcohol will quickly reach the small intestine, which will make you drunk more easily or quickly.
Hope this helps.
14 Nov 2013
I would say "False", mainly because of the word "easily" in the question. The information given lets us know that food slows the alcohol absorption, but tells us nothing about what effect no food has. Clearly, the absorption is faster than with food, but we aren �t told if a person gets drunk easily without food, which is what the question asks. Of course, the answer on the exam could be either, depending on whether they grade the question on what it actually asks or not. Bruce |
14 Nov 2013
Sorry Bruce, I have to disagree with you on this one--I think you are reading too much into the question.
If you eat first it is harder to get drunk (it takes longer).
If you drink on an empty stomach you get drunk faster (it is easier to get to the that state).
<<IMHO the answer is "TRUE">>
15 Nov 2013
I thank all your answers. I �ll definitely complain to the person who prepared the exam because it is certainly difficult for 17 -year-old teenagers to work it out if even we are not clear on that ourselves. |
15 Nov 2013