I will go to my bank office and ask for the IBAN ans SWIFT codes, for those who prefer a bank transfer.
Dawei20, your information is completely wrong. I�ve never heard of that hosting company, and our web server really costs muuuch mooore than 23.68$ a month.
Furthermore, this website doesn�t receive 5000 daily hits. There are over 100000, but it doesn�t mean more money. It means more costs.
I suppose that a good administrator could manage to get lots of money through advertising, but I�m too busy for that. I have to answer lots of emails, check reported worksheets... But most of the time I�m making optimizations to keep the site running with the increasing number of visitors and contributions.
Dawei20, this is not a simple website: we have to pay a powerful server (every month), backups, bandwith excess, technical interventions and lots of software licenses. And we have to save for the future: the number of users and contributions is growing every day,
so the hosting of the website will be more and more expensive.
Anyway, if donations are more than enough, i promise to spend all them in this website: additional capacity, more security, etc.
Thank you all for this strong support! You make me trust in the future of this website!
A big hug to you all,