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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Teaching Parts of the Body?
Teaching Parts of the Body?

Pinky Makus
Teaching Parts of the Body?
Today I made up a game called Sticky Teacher. I would say certain body parts and have the children repeat the words then they would have to stick a sticky note or POST-IT note paper onto that part of my body. I was wearing black today, so the sticky notes did look quite funny stuck to my clothes. The notes were bright green...We just did some simple parts like ears, shoulders, feet, knees and hands. When I stuck sticky paper over my mouth and on my forehead the children laughed so hard I couldn�t hear myself think.
I just thought I would mention this as an easy game to review parts of the body. ( I never knew it would work so well!) 
Make sure you only do "innocent" parts of the body....or to be on the safe side you could also use a paper cut out of a body.
3 Feb 2009

I do a similar activity when teaching �this�, �that�, �these� and �those�. Each student gets a few POST-ITS and sticks them around the classroom with �this is a door� or �that is a poster�,etc.
I usually end up with a few stuck onto me saying �this is a teacher�.
They really enjoy it. |
3 Feb 2009