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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Make a project together , we are looking for African teachers
Make a project together , we are looking for African teachers

Make a project together , we are looking for African teachers
Hi I am English teacher in small language school in Warsaw/Poland.We are looking for teachers/schools from Africa to make a project together.
These are some ideas about project written by my 8-10 years old students :
We are students from Warsaw in Poland ( Europe) who have extra English classes twice a week .This year we start learning about Africa. So we are looking for schools from African countries to exchange projects with us and present in them basic information about our countries and schools.
We are going to make two projects about our countries and about our schools.
The first project : Poland /African country ( capital city, flag,geographical location, famous places or people) ( February)You can make the same project about Your African country The second project : Polish/African schools: age of students,school subjects, holiday time, extra classes ets You can do the same about African schools and send us projects by e-email and by post.( April)
If you are interested in cooperation , please give us answer by e mail.
Regards Gosia l
8 Dec 2013

WELL , I am a female teacher of English from the African continent, I teach in Morocco , in a small village , I teach students of both elementary and intermediate levels. This year I am adopting a new strategy in teaching foreign language, which is project -based teaching approach . Through my professional experience I find out that when students get involved in a certain task they learn more, so I intend to make them look for information about topics we have discussed inside the classroom and they try to share us what they collect in the way they feel comfortable with , either using power point , data show or flashcards ... I can make a video record of my students performances after the next two weeks. We have watched a video about the most amazing places all over the world. I asked them to pick the monument they like and bring us some information about it .And some of the students chose some of the most beautiful and famous places in Morocco to expose to their colleagues. We are ready to share and any time . Thank you for the idea and the opportunity for my students to have friends abroad, they will be very happy to know about that. we keep in touch
8 Dec 2013